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2024-04-02 19:04:59 802人浏览 安东尼




【参数】(键=值),例如 :key=value;







// Read an INI file into easy-to-access name/value pairs.

// inih and INIReader are released under the New BSD license (see LICENSE.txt).
// Go to the project home page for more info:
// https://GitHub.com/benhoyt/inih

#ifndef __INI_H__
#define __INI_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stdio.h>

typedef int (*ini_handler)(void* user, const char* section,
                           const char* name, const char* value);

typedef char* (*ini_reader)(char* str, int num, void* stream);

int ini_parse(const char* filename, ini_handler handler, void* user);

int ini_parse_file(FILE* file, ini_handler handler, void* user);

int ini_parse_stream(ini_reader reader, void* stream, ini_handler handler,
                     void* user);


#define INI_ALLOW_BOM 1


#define INI_USE_STACK 1


#ifndef INI_MAX_LINE
#define INI_MAX_LINE 200

#ifdef __cplusplus

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_SECTION 50
#define MAX_NAME 50

inline static char* rstrip(char* s)
    char* p = s + strlen(s);
    while (p > s && isspace((unsigned char)(*--p)))
        *p = '\0';
    return s;

inline static char* lskip(const char* s)
    while (*s && isspace((unsigned char)(*s)))
    return (char*)s;

inline static char* find_chars_or_comment(const char* s, const char* chars)
    int was_space = 0;
    while (*s && (!chars || !strchr(chars, *s)) &&
           !(was_space && strchr(INI_INLINE_COMMENT_PREFIXES, *s))) {
        was_space = isspace((unsigned char)(*s));
    while (*s && (!chars || !strchr(chars, *s))) {
    return (char*)s;

inline static char* strncpy0(char* dest, const char* src, size_t size)
    strncpy(dest, src, size);
    dest[size - 1] = '\0';
    return dest;

inline int ini_parse_stream(ini_reader reader, void* stream, ini_handler handler,
                     void* user)
    char line[INI_MAX_LINE];
    char* line;
    char section[MAX_SECTION] = "";
    char prev_name[MAX_NAME] = "";

    char* start;
    char* end;
    char* name;
    char* value;
    int lineno = 0;
    int error = 0;

    line = (char*)malloc(INI_MAX_LINE);
    if (!line) {
        return -2;

    while (reader(line, INI_MAX_LINE, stream) != NULL) {

        start = line;
        if (lineno == 1 && (unsigned char)start[0] == 0xEF &&
                           (unsigned char)start[1] == 0xBB &&
                           (unsigned char)start[2] == 0xBF) {
            start += 3;
        start = lskip(rstrip(start));

        if (*start == ';' || *start == '#') {
        else if (*prev_name && *start && start > line) {

        end = find_chars_or_comment(start, NULL);
        if (*end)
            *end = '\0';

            if (!handler(user, section, prev_name, start) && !error)
                error = lineno;
        else if (*start == '[') {
            end = find_chars_or_comment(start + 1, "]");
            if (*end == ']') {
                *end = '\0';
                strncpy0(section, start + 1, sizeof(section));
                *prev_name = '\0';
            else if (!error) {
                error = lineno;
        else if (*start) {
            end = find_chars_or_comment(start, "=:");
            if (*end == '=' || *end == ':') {
                *end = '\0';
                name = rstrip(start);
                value = lskip(end + 1);
                end = find_chars_or_comment(value, NULL);
                if (*end)
                    *end = '\0';

                strncpy0(prev_name, name, sizeof(prev_name));
                if (!handler(user, section, name, value) && !error)
                    error = lineno;
            else if (!error) {
                error = lineno;

        if (error)


    return error;

inline int ini_parse_file(FILE* file, ini_handler handler, void* user)
    return ini_parse_stream((ini_reader)fgets, file, handler, user);

inline int ini_parse(const char* filename, ini_handler handler, void* user)
    FILE* file;
    int error;

    file = fopen(filename, "r");
    if (!file)
        return -1;
    error = ini_parse_file(file, handler, user);
    return error;


#ifndef __INIREADER_H__
#define __INIREADER_H__

#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>

// Read an INI file into easy-to-access name/value pairs. (Note that I've gone
// for simplicity here rather than speed, but it should be pretty decent.)
class INIReader
    // Empty Constructor
    INIReader() {};

    // Construct INIReader and parse given filename. See ini.h for more info
    // about the parsing.
    explicit INIReader(const std::string& filename);

    // Construct INIReader and parse given file. See ini.h for more info
    // about the parsing.
    explicit INIReader(FILE *file);

    // Return the result of ini_parse(), i.e., 0 on success, line number of
    // first error on parse error, or -1 on file open error.
    int ParseError() const;

    // Return the list of sections found in ini file
    const std::set<std::string>& Sections() const;

    // Get a string value from INI file, returning default_value if not found.
    std::string Get(const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
                    const std::string& default_value) const;

    // Get an integer (long) value from INI file, returning default_value if
    // not found or not a valid integer (decimal "1234", "-1234", or hex "0x4d2").
    long GetInteger(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, long default_value) const;

    // Get a real (floating point double) value from INI file, returning
    // default_value if not found or not a valid floating point value
    // according to strtod().
    double GetReal(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, double default_value) const;

    // Get a single precision floating point number value from INI file, returning
    // default_value if not found or not a valid floating point value
    // according to strtof().
    float GetFloat(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, float default_value) const;
    // Get a boolean value from INI file, returning default_value if not found or if
    // not a valid true/false value. Valid true values are "true", "yes", "on", "1",
    // and valid false values are "false", "no", "off", "0" (not case sensitive).
    bool GetBoolean(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, bool default_value) const;

    int _error;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> _values;
    std::set<std::string> _sections;
    static std::string MakeKey(const std::string& section, const std::string& name);
    static int ValueHandler(void* user, const char* section, const char* name,
                            const char* value);

#endif  // __INIREADER_H__

#ifndef __INIREADER__
#define __INIREADER__

#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>

inline INIReader::INIReader(const std::string& filename)
    _error = ini_parse(filename.c_str(), ValueHandler, this);

inline INIReader::INIReader(FILE *file)
    _error = ini_parse_file(file, ValueHandler, this);

inline int INIReader::ParseError() const
    return _error;

inline const std::set<std::string>& INIReader::Sections() const
    return _sections;

inline std::string INIReader::Get(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, const std::string& default_value) const
    std::string key = MakeKey(section, name);
    return _values.count(key) ? _values.at(key) : default_value;

inline long INIReader::GetInteger(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, long default_value) const
    std::string valstr = Get(section, name, "");
    const char* value = valstr.c_str();
    char* end;
    // This parses "1234" (decimal) and also "0x4D2" (hex)
    long n = strtol(value, &end, 0);
    return end > value ? n : default_value;

inline double INIReader::GetReal(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, double default_value) const
    std::string valstr = Get(section, name, "");
    const char* value = valstr.c_str();
    char* end;
    double n = strtod(value, &end);
    return end > value ? n : default_value;

inline float INIReader::GetFloat(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, float default_value) const
    std::string valstr = Get(section, name, "");
    const char* value = valstr.c_str();
    char* end;
    float n = strtof(value, &end);
    return end > value ? n : default_value;

inline bool INIReader::GetBoolean(const std::string& section, const std::string& name, bool default_value) const
    std::string valstr = Get(section, name, "");
    // Convert to lower case to make string comparisons case-insensitive
    std::transfORM(valstr.begin(), valstr.end(), valstr.begin(), ::tolower);
    if (valstr == "true" || valstr == "yes" || valstr == "on" || valstr == "1")
        return true;
    else if (valstr == "false" || valstr == "no" || valstr == "off" || valstr == "0")
        return false;
        return default_value;

inline std::string INIReader::MakeKey(const std::string& section, const std::string& name)
    std::string key = section + "=" + name;
    // Convert to lower case to make section/name lookups case-insensitive
    std::transform(key.begin(), key.end(), key.begin(), ::tolower);
    return key;

inline int INIReader::ValueHandler(void* user, const char* section, const char* name,
                            const char* value)
    INIReader* reader = (INIReader*)user;
    std::string key = MakeKey(section, name);
    if (reader->_values[key].size() > 0)
        reader->_values[key] += "\n";
    reader->_values[key] += value;
    return 1;

#endif  // __INIREADER__



// Example that shows simple usage of the INIReader class

#include <iOStream>
#include <sstream>
#include "INIReader.h"

std::string sections(INIReader &reader)
    std::stringstream ss;
    std::set<std::string> sections = reader.Sections();
    for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it = sections.begin(); it != sections.end(); ++it)
        ss << *it << ",";
    return ss.str();

int main()
    INIReader reader("test.ini");

    if (reader.ParseError() < 0) {
        std::cout << "Can't load 'test.ini'\n";
        return 1;
    std::cout << "Config loaded from 'test.ini': found sections=" << sections(reader)
              << " version="
              << reader.GetInteger("protocol", "version", -1) << ", name="
              << reader.Get("user", "name", "UNKNOWN") << ", email="
              << reader.Get("user", "email", "UNKNOWN") << ", multi="
              << reader.Get("user", "multi", "UNKNOWN") << ", pi="
              << reader.GetReal("user", "pi", -1) << ", active="
              << reader.GetBoolean("user", "active", true) << "\n";
    return 0;


现代 c++ 的另一个 .ini 解析器(为 cpp17 制作),灵感来自 inih 并进行了扩展。


#ifndef __INI_H__
#define __INI_H__

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

namespace inih {

typedef int (*ini_handler)(void* user, const char* section, const char* name,
                           const char* value);

typedef char* (*ini_reader)(char* str, int num, void* stream);

#define INI_MAX_LINE 2000
#define MAX_SECTION 50
#define MAX_NAME 50

inline static char* rstrip(char* s) {
    char* p = s + strlen(s);
    while (p > s && isspace((unsigned char)(*--p))) *p = '\0';
    return s;

inline static char* lskip(const char* s) {
    while (*s && isspace((unsigned char)(*s))) s++;
    return (char*)s;

inline static char* find_chars_or_comment(const char* s, const char* chars) {
    int was_space = 0;
    while (*s && (!chars || !strchr(chars, *s)) &&
           !(was_space && strchr(INI_INLINE_COMMENT_PREFIXES, *s))) {
        was_space = isspace((unsigned char)(*s));
    return (char*)s;

inline static char* strncpy0(char* dest, const char* src, size_t size) {
    strncpy(dest, src, size - 1);
    dest[size - 1] = '\0';
    return dest;

inline int ini_parse_stream(ini_reader reader, void* stream,
                            ini_handler handler, void* user) {
    char* line;
    size_t max_line = INI_INITIAL_ALLOC;
    char* new_line;
    size_t offset;
    char section[MAX_SECTION] = "";
    char prev_name[MAX_NAME] = "";

    char* start;
    char* end;
    char* name;
    char* value;
    int lineno = 0;
    int error = 0;

    line = (char*)malloc(INI_INITIAL_ALLOC);
    if (!line) {
        return -2;

#define HANDLER(u, s, n, v) handler(u, s, n, v, lineno)
#define HANDLER(u, s, n, v) handler(u, s, n, v)

    while (reader(line, (int)max_line, stream) != NULL) {
        offset = strlen(line);
        while (offset == max_line - 1 && line[offset - 1] != '\n') {
            max_line *= 2;
            if (max_line > INI_MAX_LINE) max_line = INI_MAX_LINE;
            new_line = (char*)realloc(line, max_line);
            if (!new_line) {
                return -2;
            line = new_line;
            if (reader(line + offset, (int)(max_line - offset), stream) == NULL)
            if (max_line >= INI_MAX_LINE) break;
            offset += strlen(line + offset);


        start = line;
        if (lineno == 1 && (unsigned char)start[0] == 0xEF &&
            (unsigned char)start[1] == 0xBB &&
            (unsigned char)start[2] == 0xBF) {
            start += 3;
        start = lskip(rstrip(start));

        if (strchr(INI_START_COMMENT_PREFIXES, *start)) {
        } else if (*start == '[') {
            end = find_chars_or_comment(start + 1, "]");
            if (*end == ']') {
                *end = '\0';
                strncpy0(section, start + 1, sizeof(section));
                *prev_name = '\0';
            } else if (!error) {
                error = lineno;
        } else if (*start) {
            end = find_chars_or_comment(start, "=:");
            if (*end == '=' || *end == ':') {
                *end = '\0';
                name = rstrip(start);
                value = end + 1;
                end = find_chars_or_comment(value, NULL);
                if (*end) *end = '\0';
                value = lskip(value);

                strncpy0(prev_name, name, sizeof(prev_name));
                if (!HANDLER(user, section, name, value) && !error)
                    error = lineno;
            } else if (!error) {
                error = lineno;

        if (error) break;


    return error;

inline int ini_parse_file(FILE* file, ini_handler handler, void* user) {
    return ini_parse_stream((ini_reader)fgets, file, handler, user);

inline int ini_parse(const char* filename, ini_handler handler, void* user) {
    FILE* file;
    int error;

    file = fopen(filename, "r");
    if (!file) return -1;
    error = ini_parse_file(file, handler, user);
    return error;


#ifndef __INIREADER_H__
#define __INIREADER_H__

// Read an INI file into easy-to-access name/value pairs. (Note that I've gone
// for simplicity here rather than speed, but it should be pretty decent.)
class INIReader {
    // Empty Constructor

    // Construct INIReader and parse given filename. See ini.h for more info
    // about the parsing.
    INIReader(std::string filename);

    // Construct INIReader and parse given file. See ini.h for more info
    // about the parsing.
    INIReader(FILE* file);

    // Return the result of ini_parse(), i.e., 0 on success, line number of
    // first error on parse error, or -1 on file open error.
    int ParseError() const;

    // Return the list of sections found in ini file
    const std::set<std::string> Sections() const;

    // Return the list of keys in the given section
    const std::set<std::string> Keys(std::string section) const;

    const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Get(
        std::string section) const;

    template <typename T = std::string>
    T Get(const std::string& section, const std::string& name) const;

    template <typename T>
    T Get(const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
          T&& default_v) const;

    template <typename T = std::string>
    std::vector<T> GetVector(const std::string& section,
                             const std::string& name) const;

    template <typename T>
    std::vector<T> GetVector(const std::string& section,
                             const std::string& name,
                             const std::vector<T>& default_v) const;

    template <typename T = std::string>
    void InsertEntry(const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
                     const T& v);

    template <typename T = std::string>
    void InsertEntry(const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
                     const std::vector<T>& vs);

    template <typename T = std::string>
    void UpdateEntry(const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
                     const T& v);

    template <typename T = std::string>
    void UpdateEntry(const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
                     const std::vector<T>& vs);

    int _error;
                       std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>>
    static int ValueHandler(void* user, const char* section, const char* name,
                            const char* value);

    template <typename T>
    T Converter(const std::string& s) const;

    const bool BoolConverter(std::string s) const;

    template <typename T>
    std::string V2String(const T& v) const;

    template <typename T>
    std::string Vec2String(const std::vector<T>& v) const;

#endif  // __INIREADER_H__

#ifndef __INIREADER__
#define __INIREADER__

inline INIReader::INIReader(std::string filename) {
    _error = ini_parse(filename.c_str(), ValueHandler, this);

inline INIReader::INIReader(FILE* file) {
    _error = ini_parse_file(file, ValueHandler, this);

inline int INIReader::ParseError() const {
    switch (_error) {
        case 0:
        case -1:
            throw std::runtime_error("ini file not found.");
        case -2:
            throw std::runtime_error("memory alloc error");
            throw std::runtime_error("parse error on line no: " +
    return 0;

inline const std::set<std::string> INIReader::Sections() const {
    std::set<std::string> retval;
    for (auto const& element : _values) {
    return retval;

inline const std::set<std::string> INIReader::Keys(std::string section) const {
    auto const _section = Get(section);
    std::set<std::string> retval;
    for (auto const& element : _section) {
    return retval;

inline const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> INIReader::Get(
    std::string section) const {
    auto const _section = _values.find(section);
    if (_section == _values.end()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("section '" + section + "' not found.");
    return _section->second;

template <typename T>
inline T INIReader::Get(const std::string& section,
                        const std::string& name) const {
    auto const _section = Get(section);
    auto const _value = _section.find(name);

    if (_value == _section.end()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("key '" + name + "' not found in section '" +
                                 section + "'.");

    std::string value = _value->second;

    if constexpr (std::is_same<T, std::string>()) {
        return value;
    } else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, bool>()) {
        return BoolConverter(value);
    } else {
        return Converter<T>(value);

template <typename T>
inline T INIReader::Get(const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
                        T&& default_v) const {
    try {
        return Get<T>(section, name);
    } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
        return default_v;

template <typename T>
inline std::vector<T> INIReader::GetVector(const std::string& section,
                                           const std::string& name) const {
    std::string value = Get(section, name);

    std::istringstream out{value};
    const std::vector<std::string> strs{std::istream_iterator<std::string>{out},
    try {
        std::vector<T> vs{};
        for (const std::string& s : strs) {
        return vs;
    } catch (std::exception& e) {
        throw std::runtime_error("cannot parse value " + value +
                                 " to vector<T>.");

template <typename T>
inline std::vector<T> INIReader::GetVector(
    const std::string& section, const std::string& name,
    const std::vector<T>& default_v) const {
    try {
        return GetVector<T>(section, name);
    } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
        return default_v;

template <typename T>
inline void INIReader::InsertEntry(const std::string& section,
                                   const std::string& name, const T& v) {
    if (_values[section][name].size() > 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error("duplicate key '" + std::string(name) +
                                 "' in section '" + section + "'.");
    _values[section][name] = V2String(v);

template <typename T>
inline void INIReader::InsertEntry(const std::string& section,
                                   const std::string& name,
                                   const std::vector<T>& vs) {
    if (_values[section][name].size() > 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error("duplicate key '" + std::string(name) +
                                 "' in section '" + section + "'.");
    _values[section][name] = Vec2String(vs);

template <typename T>
inline void INIReader::UpdateEntry(const std::string& section,
                                   const std::string& name, const T& v) {
    if (!_values[section][name].size()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("key '" + std::string(name) +
                                 "' not exist in section '" + section + "'.");
    _values[section][name] = V2String(v);

template <typename T>
inline void INIReader::UpdateEntry(const std::string& section,
                                   const std::string& name,
                                   const std::vector<T>& vs) {
    if (!_values[section][name].size()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("key '" + std::string(name) +
                                 "' not exist in section '" + section + "'.");
    _values[section][name] = Vec2String(vs);

template <typename T>
inline std::string INIReader::V2String(const T& v) const {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << v;
    return ss.str();

template <typename T>
inline std::string INIReader::Vec2String(const std::vector<T>& v) const {
    if (v.empty()) {
        return "";
    std::ostringstream oss;
    std::copy(v.begin(), v.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<T>(oss, " "));
    oss << v.back();

    return oss.str();

template <typename T>
inline T INIReader::Converter(const std::string& s) const {
    try {
        T v{};
        std::istringstream _{s};
        _ >> v;
        return v;
    } catch (std::exception& e) {
        throw std::runtime_error("cannot parse value '" + s + "' to type<T>.");

inline const bool INIReader::BoolConverter(std::string s) const {
    std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower);
    static const std::unordered_map<std::string, bool> s2b{
        {"1", true},  {"true", true},   {"yes", true}, {"on", true},
        {"0", false}, {"false", false}, {"no", false}, {"off", false},
    auto const value = s2b.find(s);
    if (value == s2b.end()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("'" + s + "' is not a valid boolean value.");
    return value->second;

inline int INIReader::ValueHandler(void* user, const char* section,
                                   const char* name, const char* value) {
    INIReader* reader = (INIReader*)user;
    if (reader->_values[section][name].size() > 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error("duplicate key '" + std::string(name) +
                                 "' in section '" + section + "'.");
    reader->_values[section][name] = value;
    return 1;
#endif  // __INIREADER__

#ifndef __INIWRITER_H__
#define __INIWRITER_H__

class INIWriter {
    inline static void write(const std::string& filepath,
                             const INIReader& reader) {
        if (struct stat buf; stat(filepath.c_str(), &buf) == 0) {
            throw std::runtime_error("file: " + filepath + " already exist.");
        std::ofstream out;
        if (!out.is_open()) {
            throw std::runtime_error("cannot open output file: " + filepath);
        for (const auto& section : reader.Sections()) {
            out << "[" << section << "]\n";
            for (const auto& key : reader.Keys(section)) {
                out << key << "=" << reader.Get(section, key) << "\n";



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <boost/core/demangle.hpp>

#include "ini/ini.h"
using namespace inih;

namespace bc = boost::core;

int main() {
    INIReader r{"./test/fixtures/config.ini"};

    const auto& v1 = r.Get<std::string>("section1", "any");
    const auto& v2 = r.Get<int>("section1", "any");
    const auto& v3 = r.Get<double>("section1", "any");
    const auto& v4 = r.GetVector<float>("section2", "any_vec");
    const auto& v5{r.GetVector<std::string>("section2", "any_vec")};


    std::cout << "v1 = " << v1 << ", which is type: " << bc::demangle(typeid(v1).name()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "v2 = " << v2 << ", which is type: " << bc::demangle(typeid(v2).name()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "v3 = " << v3 << ", which is type: " << bc::demangle(typeid(v3).name()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "v4 = "; for (auto& v : v4) std::cout << v << " "; std::cout << ", which is type: " << bc::demangle(typeid(v4).name()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "v5 = "; for (auto& v : v5) std::cout << v << " "; std::cout << ", which is type: " << bc::demangle(typeid(v5).name()) << std::endl;

    // section exist, key not exist
    r.InsertEntry("section1", "my_custom_key", "hello world");

    // section&key not exist
    r.InsertEntry("new_section", "key1", 5);

    // Dump ini to file
    INIWriter::write("output.ini", r);

    return 0;


3.1 解析算法



  • 如果行为空或以;开始然后什么都没发生。
  • 否则,如果行以 [ 开头,则section将更改为 [ 和 ] 之间的字符串。如果行不以 ] 结尾,则报告错误。
  • 否则,如果行包含 = 符号,则 = 之前的所有字符都被视为变量, = 之后的所有字符都被视为值。两者都被修剪。如果变量之前已经赋值,则会报告错误。否则,将相应的赋值添加到该section。
  • 否则,该行被报告为错误。

3.2 默认section算法


3.3 Interpolation算法



3.重复上一步,直到无法再进行替换,或者直到达到递归深度(默认为 10)。

3.4 代码实现


#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

namespace inipp {

namespace detail {

// trim functions based on Http://stackoverflow.com/a/217605

template <class CharT>
inline void ltrim(std::basic_string<CharT> & s, const std::locale & loc) {
                std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(),
                             [&loc](CharT ch) { return !std::isspace(ch, loc); }));

template <class CharT>
inline void rtrim(std::basic_string<CharT> & s, const std::locale & loc) {
	s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(),
                             [&loc](CharT ch) { return !std::isspace(ch, loc); }).base(),

template <class CharT, class UnaryPredicate>
inline void rtrim2(std::basic_string<CharT>& s, UnaryPredicate pred) {
	s.erase(std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), pred), s.end());

// string replacement function based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/3418285

template <class CharT>
inline bool replace(std::basic_string<CharT> & str, const std::basic_string<CharT> & from, const std::basic_string<CharT> & to) {
	auto changed = false;
	size_t start_pos = 0;
	while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::basic_string<CharT>::npos) {
		str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
		start_pos += to.length();
		changed = true;
	return changed;

} // namespace detail

template <typename CharT, typename T>
inline bool extract(const std::basic_string<CharT> & value, T & dst) {
	CharT c;
	std::basic_istringstream<CharT> is{ value };
	T result;
	if ((is >> std::boolalpha >> result) && !(is >> c)) {
		dst = result;
		return true;
	else {
		return false;

template <typename CharT>
inline bool extract(const std::basic_string<CharT> & value, std::basic_string<CharT> & dst) {
	dst = value;
	return true;

template <typename CharT, typename T>
inline bool get_value(const std::map<std::basic_string<CharT>, std::basic_string<CharT>> & sec, const std::basic_string<CharT> & key, T & dst) {
	const auto it = sec.find(key);
	if (it == sec.end()) return false;
	return extract(it->second, dst);

template <typename CharT, typename T>
inline bool get_value(const std::map<std::basic_string<CharT>, std::basic_string<CharT>>& sec, const CharT* key, T& dst) {
	return get_value(sec, std::basic_string<CharT>(key), dst);

template<class CharT>
class Format
	// used for generating
	const CharT char_section_start;
	const CharT char_section_end;
	const CharT char_assign;
	const CharT char_comment;

	// used for parsing
	virtual bool is_section_start(CharT ch) const { return ch == char_section_start; }
	virtual bool is_section_end(CharT ch) const { return ch == char_section_end; }
	virtual bool is_assign(CharT ch) const { return ch == char_assign; }
	virtual bool is_comment(CharT ch) const { return ch == char_comment; }

	// used for interpolation
	const CharT char_interpol;
	const CharT char_interpol_start;
	const CharT char_interpol_sep;
	const CharT char_interpol_end;

	Format(CharT section_start, CharT section_end, CharT assign, CharT comment, CharT interpol, CharT interpol_start, CharT interpol_sep, CharT interpol_end)
		: char_section_start(section_start)
		, char_section_end(section_end)
		, char_assign(assign)
		, char_comment(comment)
		, char_interpol(interpol)
		, char_interpol_start(interpol_start)
		, char_interpol_sep(interpol_sep)
		, char_interpol_end(interpol_end) {}

	Format() : Format('[', ']', '=', ';', '$', '{', ':', '}') {}

	const std::basic_string<CharT> local_symbol(const std::basic_string<CharT>& name) const {
		return char_interpol + (char_interpol_start + name + char_interpol_end);

	const std::basic_string<CharT> global_symbol(const std::basic_string<CharT>& sec_name, const std::basic_string<CharT>& name) const {
		return local_symbol(sec_name + char_interpol_sep + name);

template<class CharT>
class Ini
	using String = std::basic_string<CharT>;
	using Section = std::map<String, String>;
	using Sections = std::map<String, Section>;

	Sections sections;
	std::list<String> errors;
	std::shared_ptr<Format<CharT>> format;

	static const int max_interpolation_depth = 10;

	Ini() : format(std::make_shared<Format<CharT>>()) {};
	Ini(std::shared_ptr<Format<CharT>> fmt) : format(fmt) {};

	void generate(std::basic_ostream<CharT>& os) const {
		for (auto const & sec : sections) {
			os << format->char_section_start << sec.first << format->char_section_end << std::endl;
			for (auto const & val : sec.second) {
				os << val.first << format->char_assign << val.second << std::endl;
			os << std::endl;

	void parse(std::basic_istream<CharT> & is) {
		String line;
		String section;
		const std::locale loc{"C"};
		while (std::getline(is, line)) {
			detail::ltrim(line, loc);
			detail::rtrim(line, loc);
			const auto length = line.length();
			if (length > 0) {
				const auto pos = std::find_if(line.begin(), line.end(), [this](CharT ch) { return format->is_assign(ch); });
				const auto & front = line.front();
				if (format->is_comment(front)) {
				else if (format->is_section_start(front)) {
					if (format->is_section_end(line.back()))
						section = line.substr(1, length - 2);
				else if (pos != line.begin() && pos != line.end()) {
					String variable(line.begin(), pos);
					String value(pos + 1, line.end());
					detail::rtrim(variable, loc);
					detail::ltrim(value, loc);
					auto & sec = sections[section];
					if (sec.find(variable) == sec.end())
						sec.emplace(variable, value);
				else {

	void interpolate() {
		int global_iteration = 0;
		auto changed = false;
		// replace each "variable"by"{section:variable}"
		for (auto & sec : sections)
			replace_symbols(local_symbols(sec.first, sec.second), sec.second);
		// replace each "${section:variable}" by its value
		do {
			changed = false;
			const auto syms = global_symbols();
			for (auto & sec : sections)
				changed |= replace_symbols(syms, sec.second);
		} while (changed && (max_interpolation_depth > global_iteration++));

	void default_section(const Section & sec) {
		for (auto & sec2 : sections)
			for (const auto & val : sec)

	void strip_trailing_comments() {
		const std::locale loc{ "C" };
		for (auto & sec : sections)
			for (auto & val : sec.second) {
				detail::rtrim2(val.second, [this](CharT ch) { return format->is_comment(ch); });
				detail::rtrim(val.second, loc);

	void clear() {

	using Symbols = std::vector<std::pair<String, String>>;

	const Symbols local_symbols(const String & sec_name, const Section & sec) const {
		Symbols result;
		for (const auto & val : sec)
			result.emplace_back(format->local_symbol(val.first), format->global_symbol(sec_name, val.first));
		return result;

	const Symbols global_symbols() const {
		Symbols result;
		for (const auto & sec : sections)
			for (const auto & val : sec.second)
				result.emplace_back(format->global_symbol(sec.first, val.first), val.second);
		return result;

	bool replace_symbols(const Symbols & syms, Section & sec) const {
		auto changed = false;
		for (auto & sym : syms)
			for (auto & val : sec)
				changed |= detail::replace(val.second, sym.first, sym.second);
		return changed;

} // namespace inipp



#include <fstream>
#include "inipp.h"

int main() {
	inipp::Ini<char> ini;
	std::ifstream is("example.ini");
	std::cout << "raw ini file:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ini file after default section and interpolation:" << std::endl;
	int compression_level = -1;
	inipp::get_value(ini.sections["bitbucket.org"], "CompressionLevel", compression_level);
	std::cout << "bitbucket.org compression level: " << compression_level << std::endl;
	return 0;



本文标题: C++实现ini文件读写的示例代码

本文链接: https://www.lsjlt.com/news/148132.html(转载时请注明来源链接)

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