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【深度学习】YOLOv5实例分割 数据集制作、模型训练以及TensorRT部署

pythonc++深度学习 2023-09-11 06:09:47 618人浏览 八月长安

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YOLOv5-seg数据集制作、模型训练以及TensorRT部署 版本声明一、数据集制作:图像 Json转txt二、分割模型训练三 tensorRT部署1 模型导出2 onnx转trtmode




一、数据集制作:图像 JSON转txt

前言:由于yolo仓中提供了标准coco的json文件转txt代码,因此需要将labelme的json文件转为coco json.

  1. labelme JSON 转COCO JSON
    在该链接中有个labelme2coco.py脚本,将该脚本下载下来后,执行以下指令即可。其中data_annotated是刚刚标注保存的json标签文件夹,data_dataset_coco是生成MS COCO数据类型的目录。
    python labelme2coco.py data_annotated data_dataset_coco --labels label.txt

注意:由于自定义的数据集里面标签从0开始 不包括背景 直接转换会报错。修改72行。
生成三个文件JPEGImages、 Visualization 、annotations.json


  1. COCO JSON转txt
    No such file or directory xxx/xxxxx/xxx.txt
    排查过后发现是我们生成的annotations.json和标准的coco json有出入:(多了JPEGImages/),修改代码313行:

TypeError: must be real number, not NoneType
观察文件夹中,已经生成一个xxx.txt且有部分数据,打印line之后发现数据里有[None,point…point]这样的数据。 大体知道了:应该是生成了背景类且没有标签。修改代码跳过这些标签:
再次运行报错消失,执行完毕没有报错。以为成功了打开txt一个最大的标签仅仅为13,应该是到15(我的数据集一共十六类),中间有几类被消除了,排查错误。应该是这个地方把91–>80类的函数的问题。修改一番,两个地方。(若只修改第二处 会出现-1标签,最高到14)

下面展示一些 内联代码片

cls = coco80[ann['category_id'] - 1] if cls91to80 else ann['category_id'] - 1  # class
cls = coco80[ann['category_id']] if cls91to80 else ann['category_id'] - 1  # class



import contextlibimport jsonimport cv2import pandas as pdfrom PIL import Imagefrom collections import defaultdictfrom utils import *# Convert INFOLKS JSON file into YOLO-fORMat labels ----------------------------def convert_infolks_json(name, files, img_path):    # Create folders    path = make_dirs()    # Import json    data = []    for file in glob.glob(files):        with open(file) as f:            jdata = json.load(f)            jdata['json_file'] = file            data.append(jdata)    # Write images and shapes    name = path + os.sep + name    file_id, file_name, wh, cat = [], [], [], []    for x in tqdm(data, desc='Files and Shapes'):        f = glob.glob(img_path + Path(x['json_file']).stem + '.*')[0]        file_name.append(f)        wh.append(exif_size(Image.open(f)))  # (width, height)        cat.extend(a['classTitle'].lower() for a in x['output']['objects'])  # categories        # filename        with open(name + '.txt', 'a') as file:            file.write('%s\n' % f)    # Write *.names file    names = sorted(np.unique(cat))    # names.pop(names.index('Missing product'))  # remove    with open(name + '.names', 'a') as file:        [file.write('%s\n' % a) for a in names]    # Write labels file    for i, x in enumerate(tqdm(data, desc='Annotations')):        label_name = Path(file_name[i]).stem + '.txt'        with open(path + '/labels/' + label_name, 'a') as file:            for a in x['output']['objects']:                # if a['classTitle'] == 'Missing product':                #    continue  # skip                category_id = names.index(a['classTitle'].lower())                # The INFOLKS bounding box format is [x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max]                box = np.array(a['points']['exterior'], dtype=np.float32).ravel()                box[[0, 2]] /= wh[i][0]  # normalize x by width                box[[1, 3]] /= wh[i][1]  # normalize y by height                box = [box[[0, 2]].mean(), box[[1, 3]].mean(), box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1]]  # xywh                if (box[2] > 0.) and (box[3] > 0.):  # if w > 0 and h > 0                    file.write('%g %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (category_id, *box))    # Split data into train, test, and validate files    split_files(name, file_name)    write_data_data(name + '.data', nc=len(names))    print(f'Done. Output saved to {os.getcwd() + os.sep + path}')# Convert vott JSON file into YOLO-format labels -------------------------------def convert_vott_json(name, files, img_path):    # Create folders    path = make_dirs()    name = path + os.sep + name    # Import json    data = []    for file in glob.glob(files):        with open(file) as f:            jdata = json.load(f)            jdata['json_file'] = file            data.append(jdata)    # Get all categories    file_name, wh, cat = [], [], []    for i, x in enumerate(tqdm(data, desc='Files and Shapes')):        with contextlib.suppress(Exception):            cat.extend(a['tags'][0] for a in x['regions'])  # categories    # Write *.names file    names = sorted(pd.unique(cat))    with open(name + '.names', 'a') as file:        [file.write('%s\n' % a) for a in names]    # Write labels file    n1, n2 = 0, 0    missing_images = []    for i, x in enumerate(tqdm(data, desc='Annotations')):        f = glob.glob(img_path + x['asset']['name'] + '.jpg')        if len(f):            f = f[0]            file_name.append(f)            wh = exif_size(Image.open(f))  # (width, height)            n1 += 1            if (len(f) > 0) and (wh[0] > 0) and (wh[1] > 0):                n2 += 1                # append filename to list                with open(name + '.txt', 'a') as file:                    file.write('%s\n' % f)                # write labelsfile                label_name = Path(f).stem + '.txt'                with open(path + '/labels/' + label_name, 'a') as file:                    for a in x['regions']:                        category_id = names.index(a['tags'][0])                        # The INFOLKS bounding box format is [x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max]                        box = a['boundingBox']                        box = np.array([box['left'], box['top'], box['width'], box['height']]).ravel()                        box[[0, 2]] /= wh[0]  # normalize x by width                        box[[1, 3]] /= wh[1]  # normalize y by height                        box = [box[0] + box[2] / 2, box[1] + box[3] / 2, box[2], box[3]]  # xywh                        if (box[2] > 0.) and (box[3] > 0.):  # if w > 0 and h > 0file.write('%g %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (category_id, *box))        else:            missing_images.append(x['asset']['name'])    print('Attempted %g json imports, found %g images, imported %g annotations successfully' % (i, n1, n2))    if len(missing_images):        print('WARNING, missing images:', missing_images)    # Split data into train, test, and validate files    split_files(name, file_name)    print(f'Done. Output saved to {os.getcwd() + os.sep + path}')# Convert ath JSON file into YOLO-format labels --------------------------------def convert_ath_json(json_dir):  # dir contains json annotations and images    # Create folders    dir = make_dirs()  # output directory    jsons = []    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(json_dir):        jsons.extend(            os.path.join(dirpath, filename)            for filename in [                f for f in filenames if f.lower().endswith('.json')            ]        )    # Import json    n1, n2, n3 = 0, 0, 0    missing_images, file_name = [], []    for json_file in sorted(jsons):        with open(json_file) as f:            data = json.load(f)        # # Get classes        # try:        #     classes = list(data['_via_attributes']['region']['class']['options'].values())  # classes        # except:        #     classes = list(data['_via_attributes']['region']['Class']['options'].values())  # classes        # # Write *.names file        # names = pd.unique(classes)  # preserves sort order        # with open(dir + 'data.names', 'w') as f:        #     [f.write('%s\n' % a) for a in names]        # Write labels file        for x in tqdm(data['_via_img_metadata'].values(), desc=f'Processing {json_file}'):            image_file = str(Path(json_file).parent / x['filename'])            f = glob.glob(image_file)  # image file            if len(f):                f = f[0]                file_name.append(f)                wh = exif_size(Image.open(f))  # (width, height)                n1 += 1  # all images                if len(f) > 0 and wh[0] > 0 and wh[1] > 0:                    label_file = dir + 'labels/' + Path(f).stem + '.txt'                    nlabels = 0                    try:                        with open(label_file, 'a') as file:  # write labelsfile# try:#     category_id = int(a['region_attributes']['class'])# except:#     category_id = int(a['region_attributes']['Class'])category_id = 0  # single-classfor a in x['regions']:    # bounding box format is [x-min, y-min, x-max, y-max]    box = a['shape_attributes']    box = np.array([box['x'], box['y'], box['width'], box['height']],                   dtype=np.float32).ravel()    box[[0, 2]] /= wh[0]  # normalize x by width    box[[1, 3]] /= wh[1]  # normalize y by height    box = [box[0] + box[2] / 2, box[1] + box[3] / 2, box[2],           box[3]]  # xywh (left-top to center x-y)    if box[2] > 0. and box[3] > 0.:  # if w > 0 and h > 0        file.write('%g %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n' % (category_id, *box))        n3 += 1        nlabels += 1                        if nlabels == 0:  # remove non-labelled images from datasetos.system(f'rm {label_file}')# print('no labels for %s' % f)continue  # next file                        # write image                        img_size = 4096  # resize to maximum                        img = cv2.imread(f)  # BGR                        assert img is not None, 'Image Not Found ' + f                        r = img_size / max(img.shape)  # size ratio                        if r < 1:  # downsize if necessaryh, w, _ = img.shapeimg = cv2.resize(img, (int(w * r), int(h * r)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)                        ifile = dir + 'images/' + Path(f).name                        if cv2.imwrite(ifile, img):  # if success append image to listwith open(dir + 'data.txt', 'a') as file:    file.write('%s\n' % ifile)n2 += 1  # correct images                    except Exception:                        os.system(f'rm {label_file}')                        print(f'problem with {f}')            else:                missing_images.append(image_file)    nm = len(missing_images)  # number missing    print('\nFound %g JSONs with %g labels over %g images. Found %g images, labelled %g images successfully' %          (len(jsons), n3, n1, n1 - nm, n2))    if len(missing_images):        print('WARNING, missing images:', missing_images)    # Write *.names file    names = ['knife']  # preserves sort order    with open(dir + 'data.names', 'w') as f:        [f.write('%s\n' % a) for a in names]    # Split data into train, test, and validate files    split_rows_simple(dir + 'data.txt')    write_data_data(dir + 'data.data', nc=1)    print(f'Done. Output saved to {Path(dir).absolute()}')def convert_coco_json(json_dir='../coco/annotations/', use_segments=False, cls91to80=False):    save_dir = make_dirs()  # output directory    coco80 = coco91_to_coco80_class()    # Import json    for json_file in sorted(Path(json_dir).resolve().glob('*.json')):        fn = Path(save_dir) / 'labels' / json_file.stem.replace('instances_', '')  # folder name        fn.mkdir()        with open(json_file) as f:            data = json.load(f)            print(data)        # Create image dict        images = {'%g' % x['id']: x for x in data['images']}        # Create image-annotations dict        imgToAnns = defaultdict(list)        for ann in data['annotations']:            imgToAnns[ann['image_id']].append(ann)        # Write labels file        for img_id, anns in tqdm(imgToAnns.items(), desc=f'Annotations {json_file}'):            img = images['%g' % img_id]            h, w, f = img['height'], img['width'], img['file_name']            bboxes = []            segments = []            for ann in anns:                if ann['iscrowd']:                    continue                # The COCO box format is [top left x, top left y, width, height]                box = np.array(ann['bbox'], dtype=np.float64)                box[:2] += box[2:] / 2  # xy top-left corner to center                box[[0, 2]] /= w  # normalize x                box[[1, 3]] /= h  # normalize y                if box[2] <= 0 or box[3] <= 0:  # if w <= 0 and h <= 0                    continue                #cls = coco80[ann['category_id'] - 1] if cls91to80 else ann['category_id'] - 1  # class                '''这个地方把91类别转80类别关了,因为自己的建立的数据集不需要转变'''                '''直接将cls=category_id'''                cls = ann['category_id']                box = [cls] + box.tolist()                if box not in bboxes:                    bboxes.append(box)                # Segments                if use_segments:                    if len(ann['segmentation']) > 1:                        s = merge_multi_segment(ann['segmentation'])                        s = (np.concatenate(s, axis=0) / np.array([w, h])).reshape(-1).tolist()                    else:                        s = [j for i in ann['segmentation'] for j in i]  # all segments concatenated                        s = (np.array(s).reshape(-1, 2) / np.array([w, h])).reshape(-1).tolist()                    s = [cls] + s                    if s not in segments:                        segments.append(s)            # Write            print("fn/f==>",fn/f[11:])            print("fn==>",fn)            print("f==>",f)            with open((fn / f[11:]).with_suffix('.txt'), 'a') as file:                print(len(bboxes))                for i in range(len(bboxes)):                    print("seg:",segments)                    line = *(segments[i] if use_segments else bboxes[i]),  # cls, box or segments                    print("line:==>",line)                    if(line[0]==None):                        continue                    file.write(('%g ' * len(line)).rstrip() % line + '\n')def min_index(arr1, arr2):    """Find a pair of indexes with the shortest distance.     Args:        arr1: (N, 2).        arr2: (M, 2).    Return:        a pair of indexes(tuple).    """    dis = ((arr1[:, None, :] - arr2[None, :, :]) ** 2).sum(-1)    return np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dis, axis=None), dis.shape)def merge_multi_segment(segments):    """Merge multi segments to one list.    Find the coordinates with min distance between each segment,    then connect these coordinates with one thin line to merge all     segments into one.    Args:        segments(List(List)): original segmentations in coco's json file.            like [segmentation1, segmentation2,...],             each segmentation is a list of coordinates.    """    s = []    segments = [np.array(i).reshape(-1, 2) for i in segments]    idx_list = [[] for _ in range(len(segments))]    # record the indexes with min distance between each segment    for i in range(1, len(segments)):        idx1, idx2 = min_index(segments[i - 1], segments[i])        idx_list[i - 1].append(idx1)        idx_list[i].append(idx2)    # use two round to connect all the segments    for k in range(2):        # forward connection        if k == 0:            for i, idx in enumerate(idx_list):                # middle segments have two indexes                # reverse the index of middle segments                if len(idx) == 2 and idx[0] > idx[1]:                    idx = idx[::-1]                    segments[i] = segments[i][::-1, :]                segments[i] = np.roll(segments[i], -idx[0], axis=0)                segments[i] = np.concatenate([segments[i], segments[i][:1]])                # deal with the first segment and the last one                if i in [0, len(idx_list) - 1]:                    s.append(segments[i])                else:                    idx = [0, idx[1] - idx[0]]                    s.append(segments[i][idx[0]:idx[1] + 1])        else:            for i in range(len(idx_list) - 1, -1, -1):                if i not in [0, len(idx_list) - 1]:                    idx = idx_list[i]                    nidx = abs(idx[1] - idx[0])                    s.append(segments[i][nidx:])    return sdef delete_dsstore(path='../datasets'):    # Delete apple .DS_store files    from pathlib import Path    files = list(Path(path).rglob('.DS_store'))    print(files)    for f in files:        f.unlink()if __name__ == '__main__':    source = 'COCO'    if source == 'COCO':        convert_coco_json('写自己的路径',  # directory with *.json                          use_segments=True,                          cls91to80=False)    elif source == 'infolks':  # Infolks Https://infolks.info/        convert_infolks_json(name='out', files='../data/sm4/json/*.json', img_path='../data/sm4/images/')    elif source == 'vott':  # VoTT https://github.com/microsoft/VoTT        convert_vott_json(name='data',                          files='../../Downloads/athena_day/20190715/*.json',                          img_path='../../Downloads/athena_day/20190715/')  # images folder    elif source == 'ath':  # ath format        convert_ath_json(json_dir='../../Downloads/athena/')  # images folder    # zip results    # os.system('zip -r ../coco.zip ../coco')


训练的步骤和目标检测模型一致,下载模型 yolov5s-seg.pt,划分数据集 、修改配置文件、不再详述了。

三 tensorRT部署

1 模型导出


# line 55 forward function in yolov5/models/yolo.py # bs, _, ny, nx = x[i].shape  # x(bs,255,20,20) to x(bs,3,20,20,85)# x[i] = x[i].view(bs, self.na, self.no, ny, nx).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()# modified into:bs, _, ny, nx = x[i].shape  # x(bs,255,20,20) to x(bs,3,20,20,85)bs = -1ny = int(ny)nx = int(nx)x[i] = x[i].view(bs, self.na, self.no, ny, nx).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()# line 70 in yolov5/models/yolo.py#  z.append(y.view(bs, -1, self.no))# modified into:z.append(y.view(bs, self.na * ny * nx, self.no))############# for yolov5-6.0 ###################### line 65 in yolov5/models/yolo.py# if self.grid[i].shape[2:4] != x[i].shape[2:4] or self.onnx_dynamic:#    self.grid[i], self.anchor_grid[i] = self._make_grid(nx, ny, i)# modified into:if self.grid[i].shape[2:4] != x[i].shape[2:4] or self.onnx_dynamic:    self.grid[i], self.anchor_grid[i] = self._make_grid(nx, ny, i)# disconnect for PyTorch traceanchor_grid = (self.anchors[i].clone() * self.stride[i]).view(1, -1, 1, 1, 2)# line 70 in yolov5/models/yolo.py# y[..., 2:4] = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * self.anchor_grid[i]  # wh# modified into:y[..., 2:4] = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * anchor_grid  # wh# line 73 in yolov5/models/yolo.py# wh = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * self.anchor_grid[i]  # wh# modified into:wh = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * anchor_grid  # wh############# for yolov5-6.0 ###################### line 77 in yolov5/models/yolo.py# return x if self.training else (torch.cat(z, 1), x)# modified into:return x if self.training else torch.cat(z, 1)# line 52 in yolov5/export.py# torch.onnx.export(dynamic_axes={'images': {0: 'batch', 2: 'height', 3: 'width'},  # shape(1,3,640,640)#    'output': {0: 'batch', 1: 'anchors'}  # shape(1,25200,85)  修改为# modified into:torch.onnx.export(dynamic_axes={'images': {0: 'batch'},  # shape(1,3,640,640)    'output': {0: 'batch'}  # shape(1,25200,85) 

导出指令:python export.py --weights runs/train-seg/exp3/weights/best.pt --include onnx --dynamic

2 onnx转trtmodel

TRT::compile(            mode,                       // FP32、FP16、INT8            test_batch_size,            // max batch size            onnx_file,                  // source             model_file,                 // save to            {},            int8process,            "inference"        );


3 推理部分

static void inference(Type type, TRT::Mode mode, const string& model_file){    auto engine = TRT::load_infer(model_file);    if(engine == nullptr){        INFOE("Engine is nullptr");        return;    }     auto image      = cv::imread("xxx.jpg");    //绘制结果    int col=image.cols; //1920    int row=image.rows; //1080      Mat mask_seg=image.clone();    Mat mask_box=image.clone();//3 channel    Mat cut_img=image.clone();auto input      = engine->tensor("images");   // engine->input(0);    auto output     = engine->tensor("output0");  // engine->output(1);//[batch , 32130 , 53]    auto output1    = engine->tensor("output1"); //  (batch, 32, 136, 240) ==>(16,32,136,240)   int num_bboxes  = output->size(1);//32130    int num_classes = output->size(2) - 5 ;    float confidence_threshold = 0.5;    float nms_threshold        = 0.45;    int MAX_IMAGE_BBOX         = 1000;    int NUM_BOX_ELEMENT        = 39;  // left, top, right, bottom, confidence, class, keepflag ,32 mask    int netWidth               = 640;    int netHeigh               = 640;    int segWidth               = 160;    int segHeight              = 160;    float mask_thresh          = 0.2;    TRT::Tensor output_array_device(TRT::DataType::Float);      // use max = 1 batch to inference.    int max_batch_size = 1;    input->resize_single_dim(0, max_batch_size).to_gpu();      output_array_device.resize(max_batch_size, 1 + MAX_IMAGE_BBOX * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT).to_gpu();     output_array_device.set_stream(engine->get_stream());    // set batch = 1  image    int ibatch = 0;    image_to_tensor(image, input, type, ibatch);    // do async 异步    engine->forward(false);float* output_ptr = output1->cpu<float>();//vector 2 mat    int size[]={32,segHeight,segWidth};    //cout<<"size"<    cv::Mat mask_protos = cv::Mat_<float>(3,size,CV_8UC1);    for(int iii=0;iii<32;iii++)    {           //unchar *data=mask_protos.ptr(iii);        for(int jjj=0;jjj<segHeight;jjj++)        {            //unchar *data2=data.ptr(jjj);            for(int kkk=0;kkk<segWidth;kkk++)            {                //data2[kkk]=output_ptr[iii*136*240+jjj*240+kkk];                mask_protos.at<float>(iii,jjj,kkk)=output_ptr[iii*segHeight*segWidth+jjj*segWidth+kkk];            }        }    }   float* d2i_affine_matrix = static_cast<float*>(input->get_workspace()->gpu());    Yolo::decode_kernel_invoker(        output->gpu<float>(ibatch),        num_bboxes, num_classes,        confidence_threshold,        d2i_affine_matrix, output_array_device.gpu<float>(ibatch),        MAX_IMAGE_BBOX, engine->get_stream()    );    Yolo::nms_kernel_invoker(        output_array_device.gpu<float>(ibatch),        nms_threshold,         MAX_IMAGE_BBOX, engine->get_stream()    );            float* parray = output_array_device.cpu<float>();    int num_box = min(static_cast<int>(*parray), MAX_IMAGE_BBOX);//取最小值      //new a mat  and new a vector    Mat mask_proposals;    vector<OutputSeg> f_output;    vector<vector<float>>proposal;  //[23,32] output0  =>mask        int num_box1=0;    Rect holeImgRect(0, 0, col, row);    for(int i = 0; i < num_box; ++i){ //遍历所有的框        float* pbox  = parray + 1 + i * NUM_BOX_ELEMENT;//+1+i*7  1:表示这个数组的元素数量        int keepflag = pbox[6];               vector<float> temp;       OutputSeg result;        if(keepflag == 1 ){            num_box1+=1;            // left,      top,     right,  bottom, confidence,class, keepflag            // pbox[0], pbox[1], pbox[2], pbox[3], pbox[4], pbox[5], pbox[6]            float left       = pbox[0];            float top        = pbox[1];            float right      = pbox[2];            float bottom     = pbox[3];            float confidence = pbox[4];            for(int ii=0;ii<32;ii++)            {                temp.push_back(pbox[ii+7]);            }            proposal.push_back(temp);            result.id=pbox[5];            result.confidence=pbox[4];            cv::Rect rect(left, top, right-left, bottom-top);            result.box=rect & holeImgRect;//; //x,y,w,h            f_output.push_back(result);            int label = static_cast<int>(pbox[5]);            uint8_t b, g, r;            tie(b, g, r) = iLogger::random_color(label);            cv::rectangle(image, cv::Point(left, top), cv::Point(right, bottom), cv::Scalar(b, g, r), 3);            auto name    = cocolabels[label];            auto caption = iLogger::format("%s %.2f", name, confidence);            int width    = cv::getTextSize(caption, 0, 1, 1, nullptr).width + 10;            cv::rectangle(image, cv::Point(left-3, top-33), cv::Point(left + width, top), cv::Scalar(b, g, r), -1);            cv::putText(image, caption, cv::Point(left, top-5), 0, 1, cv::Scalar::all(0), 2, 16);          }//对应于Python中的process_mask    //vector2mat    for (int i = 0; i < proposal.size(); ++i)    {mask_proposals.push_back(Mat(proposal[i]).t());}/获取 proto 也就是output1的输出    //逻辑 GetMask    Vec4d params;  //根据实际图片输入 和 onnx模型输入输出 计算的,此处直接写死    params[0]=0.5;    params[1]=0.5;    params[2]=0.0;    params[3]=2.0;    Mat protos = mask_protos.reshape(0, {32,136 * 240});    Mat matmulRes = ( mask_proposals * protos).t(); //23,32 * 32,32640 ==> 23,32640    Mat masks = matmulRes.reshape(proposal.size(),{136,240}); //上一步骤作转置的原因://Mat Mat::reshape(int cn,int rows=0) const cn:表示通道数(channels),如果设置为0,则表示通道不变;    vector<Mat> maskChannels; //分离通道split(masks, maskChannels);    for (int index = 0; index < f_output.size(); ++index) {        Mat dest,mask;        //sigmoid        cv::exp(-maskChannels[index],dest);//e^x        dest= 1.0/(1.0 + dest);        //_netWidth = 960; _netHeight=544;  //ONNX图片输入宽度\高度  //const int _segWidth = 240;Rect roi(int(params[2] / netWidth * segWidth), int(params[3] / netHeigh * segHeight), int(segWidth - params[2] / 2), int(segHeight- 0/2)); //136-params[3]/2最后一个参数改了 mask会有偏移dest = dest(roi);resize(dest, mask, cv::Size(col,row), INTER_LINEAR);//srcImgShape (1920,1080)//INTER_NEAREST 最近临插值  PYTHON中用的就是 INTER_LINEAR - 双线性插值        //cropRect temp_rect = f_output[index].box;mask = mask(temp_rect) > mask_thresh; //mask_threshg mask阈值f_output[index].boxMask =mask;    }    //DrawPred 绘制结果    for (int i=0;i<f_output.size();i++)    {        int lf, tp,wd,hg;        float confidence;        lf=f_output[i].box.x;        tp=f_output[i].box.y;        wd=f_output[i].box.width;        hg=f_output[i].box.height;        confidence=f_output[i].confidence;                int label = static_cast<int>(f_output[i].id);                //生成随机颜色        uint8_t b, g, r;        tie(b, g, r) = iLogger::random_color(label);        cv::rectangle(mask_box, cv::Point(lf, tp), cv::Point(lf+wd, tp+hg), cv::Scalar(b, g, r), 3);//绘制box框        auto name    = cocolabels[label];        auto caption = iLogger::format("%s %.2f", name, confidence);        int width    = cv::getTextSize(caption, 0, 1, 1, nullptr).width + 10;        cv::rectangle(mask_box, cv::Point(lf-3, tp-33), cv::Point(lf + width, tp), cv::Scalar(b, g, r), -1);//绘制label的框        cv::putText(mask_box, caption, cv::Point(lf, tp-5), 0, 1, cv::Scalar::all(0), 2, 16);mask_seg(f_output[i].box).setTo(cv::Scalar(b, g, r), f_output[i].boxMask);//绘制mask           }    addWeighted(mask_box, 0.6, mask_seg, 0.4, 0, mask_box); //将mask加在原图上面 }




本文标题: 【深度学习】YOLOv5实例分割 数据集制作、模型训练以及TensorRT部署

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