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ORA-14604: During CREATE TABLE time it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN once a SUBPAR

报错故障TABLE 2023-11-05 01:11:56 355人浏览 安东尼

文档解释 ORA-14604: During CREATE TABLE time it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITioNS or STORE IN once a SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE


ORA-14604: During CREATE TABLE time it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITioNS or STORE IN once a SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE has been specified

Cause: Once a subpartition template has been specified during a CREATE TABLE it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN anywhere else

Action: Remove either the SUBPARTITIONS | STORE IN or remove the SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE clause


本文标题: ORA-14604: During CREATE TABLE time it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN once a SUBPAR

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